Medische zorg, Voeding & Psychosociale zorg

Medische zorg, voeding en psychosociale ondersteuning zijn belangrijke sectoren voor ons en onze medische staf is van cruciaal belang voor onze landenprogramma's wereldwijd. Ze werken onder uitdagende omstandigheden. Hun taak is om zoveel mogelijk levens te redden in noodsituaties en het risico op ziekten en aandoeningen in de nasleep van rampen te verminderen. Verder pakken ze trauma's en misbruik tijdens conflicten aan en versterken lokale medische voorzieningen. Daardoor helpen we de bevolking ook lang nadat we zijn vertrokken.

We zoeken getrainde medische professionals die...

  • opgeleid zijn als arts, verpleegkundige, verloskundige, psycholoog, psychiatrisch verpleegkundige, sociaal werker of voedingsdeskundige..
  • ervaring hebben in basisgezondheidszorg, internationale gezondheidszorg, tropische geneeskunde, nutrion programma’s en/of gezondheidseducatie.
  • Have experience in primary health care, international public health, tropical medicine, community nutrition and medicine, and/or health education.
  • getraind zijn in en ervaring hebben met projectmanagement, budgetbeheer en peoplemanagement - met name het trainen en versterken van ander personeel.

Jobs in Medische zorg, Voeding & Psychosociale zorg

Mental Health & Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Project Manager

ROC Required
The MHPSS Project Manager develops, leads, monitors and evaluates the assigned MHPSS project(s). This involves effectively managing and reporting on the projects in line with the objectives, timeframe and budget. Other important aspects of the role include managing and training local staff to meet international quality standards in mental health care delivery, encouraging beneficiary participation, liaising with other stakeholders and anticipating, planning, and contributing to the development of MHPSS components for new health and protection project proposals and reports.

Nutrition Coordinator

ROC Required
Actively participate to develop, support, monitor and evaluate the country emergency nutrition project(s), support the heath project managers in managing and reporting on the projects in line with the objectives, timeframe and budget with a focus on response to new crises requiring assessments and short-term interventions. Provide technical support, leadership and strategic direction, other important aspects of the role include managing and training nutrition staff to meet international quality standards, strength the nutrition sector in the existing program and work towards standardising nutrition programming in all Medair bases. Encourage beneficiary participation, liaise with other stakeholders, and anticipate, plan, and contribute to the development of new nutrition project proposals and reports.

Deputy Health & Nutrition Advisor

ROC Required
The Deputy Medical Advisor is a new position to Medair DRC, thus the following Job Description may be adjusted over time based on candidate’s strengths and current projects. Following growth of the country programme, there is need for technical assistance in the health and nutrition sector. A large part of this position is to support Health and Nutrition Advisor and to speed up proposals, having reviewed and updated SOPs, log frames, budgets and so on for sector.

Apply to our Relief & Recovery Orientation Course

Medair’s Relief & Recovery Orientation Course (ROC) is a one-week simulation course that will help determine if a humanitarian career with Medair is the right fit for you, and if you are a strong fit for Medair. After participating in the course, you will enter a “pool” of qualified candidates that are ready to be called upon to respond to humanitarian crises. When needs arise in our country programmes, we will offer you a position in line with your competencies and our needs. If you apply for an international position, the ROC will be mandatory for you to work in our country programmes.
Humanitarian relief worker from Medair walking in the jungle