5 min read

Nieuwe hoop na de overstromingen in Somalië

August 19, 2024
Door Medair
Na de overstromingen in Zuid-Somalië zorgde Medair voor materialen om tijdelijke onderkomens te maken of te herstellen. Dat was heel erg welkom bij de bewoners in de overvolle vluchtelingenkampen in het gebied.

In het zuiden van Somalië hebben de heftige regens flink huisgehouden in het regenseizoen. Hevige overstromingen zorgden ervoor dat duizenden gezinnen bijna letterlijk uit hun huizen gespoeld zijn. Zij sloegen op de vlucht en trokken naar overvolle opvangkampen. Voor de gezinnen is het zwaar. Er is dringend behoefte aan onderdak voor iedereen en de eerste levensbehoeften zoals eten en water. Medair schoot de gezinnen te hulp en zorgde voor beter onderdak.

Verwoest landschap

Zuid-Somalië is kwetsbaarder geworden voor extreme weersomstandigheden. De regens zijn ongekend hevig, waardoor rivieren overstromen en hele gebieden onder water komen te staan. Door de overstromingen werden wegen en paden overspoeld en konden sommigen gebieden niet meer bereikt worden. Dat belemmerde de hulpverlening ook enorm. Onderkomens, zelfs lemen huizen, stortten in, zodat vele gezinnen zonder huis kwamen te zitten.

De verwoesting breidde zich uit naar landbouwgronden, waardoor oogsten en vee verloren gingen, en daarmee de meest belangrijke bronnen van inkomsten en van voedsel. De voedseltekorten en de armoede die er al was in het gebied werd daardoor alleen maar nog groter.

Door de overstromingen zijn ook de waterbronnen vervuild. De gevolgen laten zich raden: er braken ziektes uit. In de overvolle opvangkampen is dat een nieuwe ramp: door de slechte hygiënische omstandigheden is het risico van verdere uitbraken toegenomen. Een groot probleem voor de volksgezondheid. De gezinnen in de kampen hebben daarom dringend behoefte aan onderdak, eten, water, sanitair en medische zorg.

Een informeel opvangkamp, waar Medair noodhulp verleend, in het zuiden van Somalia. © Medair

Toegenomen kwetsbaarheid

Met duizenden mensen per opvanglocatie raken de kampen overvol. Veel gezinnen leven er in provisorische tenten of onder plastic zeilen. Ze geven nauwelijks bescherming tegen de extreme weersomstandigheden. Zonder fatsoenlijk onderdak zijn deze gezinnen kwetsbaar voor ernstige gezondheidsproblemen. Infecties aan de luchtwegen komen veel voor. Ze worden verergerd door natte omstandigheden en ongezonde slaapplaatsen. De toestroom van nieuwe vluchtelingen heeft geleid tot overbevolking van de kampen. Daardoor verspreidden besmettelijke ziekten zich snel. De sanitaire voorzieningen zijn lang niet toereikend. Bovendien is er veel te weinig medische zorg voor de mensen in de kampen. Mensen die kampen met chronische of acute medische klachten kunnen moeilijk ergens terecht voor een behandeling. gezondheidsproblemen moeilijk is om behandeld te worden. Het gebrek aan gezondheidsinfrastructuur in de kampen verergert het lijden nog. De vernietiging van landbouwgrond heeft geleid tot onmiddellijke voedselonzekerheid en economische instabiliteit op de lange termijn, waardoor mensen afhankelijk worden van humanitaire hulp.

The Role of Shelter NFIs

Shelter Non-Food Items (NFIs) like plastic sheets and tarpaulins are crucial for providing immediate protection from the elements. These materials help create makeshift roofs and walls, safeguarding families from rain, wind, and the sun. They also provide a semblance of privacy and security in overcrowded IDP camps. Shelter NFI distributions are coordinated efforts involving humanitarian organisations like Medair, local authorities, and community leaders. The process begins with a needs assessment to identify the most vulnerable individuals and families, ensuring equitable distribution. Logistics teams then transport the NFIs from central warehouses to distribution points, overcoming challenges such as damaged infrastructure and security concerns. The distribution often takes place in designated areas, prioritizing the most vulnerable, such as single-headed households and the elderly.

Shelter NFI kits before distribution in an informal IDP settlement supported by Medair in southern Somalia. The kit contains plastic sheets, a rope and pegs.  © Medair

The plastic sheets and tarpaulins provide crucial immediate protection for IDPs, preventing exposure-related illnesses and reducing the risk of waterborne diseases. These materials allow families to create separate living areas, preserving privacy and safety, especially for women and children. While temporary, they provide a critical foundation for rebuilding. The shelter NFIs offer stability and psychological comfort, helping displaced persons regain a sense of security and a starting point for recovery.

A single shelter NFI kit before distribution in an informal IDP settlement supported by Medair in southern Somalia. The kit contains plastic sheets, a rope and pegs.  © Medair

A Moment of Joy

During the distribution of shelter kits in an IDP settlement, we had a conversation with Fartun. As a single mother, she and her children are particularly vulnerable since they lost their livelihood to the floods. The mother shares:

"We have lived in this IDP settlement for several months now. We had to come here because of the El Nino floods. Where we lived, the river overflooded the settlement. The rains were too heavy. It went fast. We did not take a single item out of the house. It was quickly fully covered with water. It is a real emergency why we came here. It is the second time my family has been affected by the El Nino impact. In the last years, we suffered from a severe drought, but at least we had a home where we could stay. Here in the settlement now, we lack shelter and hygiene items. So, I appreciate the NFI distribution you did a lot, and the shelter kits you have given to us. This is what we needed so much. We will use the kit to improve our shelter. I will cover the roof with the plastic sheet and then fix it with the anchor and tie it with the rope. It will be very useful during rain or hot sun. It will protect the other shelter fabric and materials from being destroyed by the weather. My family will be better protected. The wind blows hard here, and the sand can come into our tent because it has holes and then it contaminates the food and other things. The shelter kit will protect us from that as well. I appreciate Medair for the items and the support. We hope you continue to support us here."

Fartun during the distribution of Shelter NFI kits in an informal IDP settlement. © Medair
Women carrying shelter kits home during distribution of Shelter NFI kits in an informal IDP settlement supported by Medair in southern Somalia. © Medair

Restoring Hope and Dignity

In southern Somalia, our teams provided 2,000 displaced households, comprising 13,340 people, with shelter kits containing two plastic sheets, ropes and eight pegs for temporary shelter to protect them from extreme weather. Medair's distribution efforts in southern Somalia are a testament to the organisation's deep commitment to our core values. Compassion is at the forefront of our mission, as we focus on addressing the immediate survival needs of displaced communities, ensuring that as many people as possible receive the care and support they need and deserve. This approach respects the inherent dignity of each individual, recognizing their humanity and worth, especially in times of crisis.

Neutrality and accountability are also critical principles guiding Medair's work. We ensure that aid is distributed based solely on need, without discrimination based on ethnicity, religion, or political affiliation. This impartial approach not only ensures fairness but also fosters trust and transparency in the communities served. By meticulously documenting our processes and outcomes, Medair upholds a high standard of accountability, making sure that resources are utilized effectively and efficiently.

Moreover, our efforts are infused with hope and joy, reflecting our holistic approach to humanitarian aid. This perspective goes beyond the provision of physical necessities; it also includes emotional support. Medair's team offers comfort and encouragement, helping to restore hope and resilience among those affected. This nurturing environment fosters a sense of community and solidarity, encouraging displaced persons to look forward to a brighter future despite the hardships they face. Through this, Medair not only provides immediate relief but also lays the groundwork for long-term recovery and resilience.

A Call to Action

As the people of southern Somalia try to rebuild their lives, your support can make a crucial difference. Donations can provide immediate relief in the form of shelter materials, food, and medical treatment. Advocacy and awareness-raising can amplify the voices of those affected, bringing their plight to the attention of the international community. Continued support from our community will be vital in helping these communities rebuild their livelihoods. Together, we can restore hope, dignity, and stability to these resilient communities, ensuring they not only survive but thrive in the years to come.

This content was produced with resources gathered by Medair field and headquarters staff. The views expressed herein are those solely of Medair and should not be taken, in any way, to reflect the official opinion of any other organisation.  
August 19, 2024
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Er zijn zoveel manieren om een wezenlijk verschil te maken voor mensen die getroffen zijn door rampen en geweld. Hoe je ook helpt, jouw betrokkenheid steunt de msenen die dat het hartdate nodig hebben! Leef mee, geef hoop en steun.

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