Gesundheit, Ernährung & psychosoziale Unterstützung

Gesundheit, Ernährung und psychosoziale Unterstützung gehören zu unseren Kernkompetenzen. Das Medair-Gesundheitspersonal arbeitet unter anspruchsvollen Bedingungen und ist in unseren Projektgebieten unentbehrlich. In Notsituationen arbeiten unsere Teams unermüdlich daran, möglichst viele Leben zu retten und das Risiko von Krankheitsausbrüchen und deren Folgen zu reduzieren. Sie helfen Betroffenen, ihre erlebten Traumata zu verarbeiten und unterstützen mit ihrer Arbeit die lokalen Gesundheitsdienste, damit diese ihren Gemeinschaften noch lange nach Abschluss unserer Projekte dienen können.

Wir suchen medizinische Fachkräfte, die...

  • qualifizierte Ärztinnen und Ärzte, Geburtshelfer, Psychologen, Pflege- oder Psychiatriefachkräfte, Sozialarbeiter oder Ernährungswissenschaftler sind.
  • über Erfahrung verfügen in der medizinischen Grundversorgung, der öffentlichen Gesundheit, der Tropenmedizin und sich mit Ernährung und Medizin auf Gemeinschaftsebene und/oder Gesundheitsaufklärung auskennen.
  • über eine Ausbildung und Know-how im Projektmanagement, der Budgetierung sowie der Personalführung verfügen, insbesondere in der Schulung und Förderung von Mitarbeitenden.

Jobs in Gesundheit, Ernährung & psychosoziale Unterstützung

Health Advisor

ROC Required
The Health Advisor provides technical advice and support to field management and the health staff, working as an important member of a diverse team who are committed to serve the world’s most vulnerable with practical and compassionate care. They develop, lead, monitor, and evaluate the health aspects of country programme. They also coordinate and network at a senior level with national and regional health authorities, actively participating in health sector coordination and supporting the development of quality standards and protocols to improve the overall response. The Health Advisor leads on all health elements of proposals and reports, development of strategy, providing capacity building for national and international staff, promoting best practice in the health programmes, and contributing to overall management of country programme.

Health Project Manager, Generic

ROC Required
Manage the health project in line with the objectives, timeframe and budget laid down in the current proposal and meet Medair quality standards and the BPHS. To ensure that beneficiary participation is enhanced in all phases of the project. To manage and train the PHC team and locally recruited health staff. To anticipate, plan, and share in the development of new health project proposals.

Mental Health & Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Project Manager, Generic

ROC Required
The MHPSS Manager supports, monitors and evaluates the execution of the assigned MHPSS and Protection project(s) conducted by Psychosocial Support Officers (PSSOs). This involves effectively managing and reporting on the projects in line with objectives, timeframe, and budget under direct supervision of MHPSS Project Manager (PM). In close cooperation with MHPSS PM, the MHPSS Manager will be managing and training local staff to meet quality standards in mental health and psychosocial support delivery, encouraging beneficiary participation, liaising with other stakeholders, and anticipating, planning, and contributing to report and proposal writing for integrated MHPSS components in overall programming with a special focus on Protection.

Health and Nutrition Advisor

ROC Required
Provide technical advice and support to the field management and the health, nutrition, and protection staff in Syria and to interact with Medair’s Senior Health Advisor based at Headquarters. Peer communication with colleagues in the region on quality and innovative approaches is expected. Develop the strategies, guide, monitor, and evaluate the health, nutrition and protection aspects of the country programme. Coordinate and network at a senior level with national and regional health authorities and other NGOs. Provide technical expertise and input on all health, nutrition, and protection elements of proposals and reports, provide capacity building for national and international staff, and promote best practice in the health programmes and contributing to the overall management of the country programme.

Health and Nutrition Project Manager

ROC Required
Develop, monitor and evaluate the assigned health and nutrition (H&N) project, with support from sector advisors. Develop lead implementation and ensure adequate monitoring and evaluation for effective management and reporting on the project activities in line with the objectives, time frame and budget with a focus on nutrition system strengthening, training and coordination. Provide technical support and leadership, manage and train nutrition staff to meet quality standards in nutrition delivery, anticipate, plan, and contribute to the development of new nutrition project proposals and reports.

Nutrition Advisor

ROC Required
Provide technical advice and support to field management and the health / nutrition staff. Develop, lead, monitor, and evaluate the nutrition aspects of the country programme. Coordinate and network at a senior level with national and regional health / nutrition authorities and other NGOs. Lead on all nutrition elements of proposals and reports, providing capacity building for national and international staff, promote best practice in the nutrition programmes as well as contributing to the overall management of the country programme.

Apply to our Relief & Recovery Orientation Course

Medair’s Relief & Recovery Orientation Course (ROC) is a one-week simulation course that will help determine if a humanitarian career with Medair is the right fit for you, and if you are a strong fit for Medair. After participating in the course, you will enter a “pool” of qualified candidates that are ready to be called upon to respond to humanitarian crises. When needs arise in our country programmes, we will offer you a position in line with your competencies and our needs. If you apply for an international position, the ROC will be mandatory for you to work in our country programmes.
Humanitarian relief worker from Medair walking in the jungle