When you feel forgotten the simplest gifts are precious.

When you give to the forsaken and forgotten, you model the love of Jesus Christ, who upholds and champions the cause of the oppressed, the hungry, the foreigner, the fatherless. Discover gifts worth giving in Christ’s name and support Medair with a year-end gift.

Give warmth, life, and the hope to the world’s forsaken and forgotten.

Give the precious gifts of warmth, hope, and life to more forgotten people in hard-to-reach places like Ukraine and DR Congo, where Medair is currently serving. Partner with Medair today and give people whom the world has forgotten a gift of love they will never forget.

We’re in this together

As a supporter of Medair you walk alongside communities around the world who have been made vulnerable by natural disaster, conflict, and displacement. We need your partnership to ensure that people can access medical care, have safe water and shelter, and can improve the overall health of their families.

Sharing similarities with other humanitarian agencies like the American Red Cross and World Relief, MEDAIR is a Swiss global relief organization dedicated to relieving human suffering in the world’s most difficult-to-reach and devastated places

We believe each life matters

Medair is motivated to care for those who suffer because we follow Jesus Christ, who taught us to love God and to care for those in need. Our faith inspires us to give our best in all circumstances. By faith we pray for wisdom when facing difficult decisions, and for courage to live and work in demanding and often dangerous situations.


When you support Medair you get


An incredible 90.5% of every dollar directly supports the delivery of humanitarian aid to survivors in crisis.


In 2022, MEDAIR improved the lives of 4.6 million people at risk around the world by employing experts in health and nutrition; shelter and infrastructure; and water, sanitation, and hygiene.


Based in Switzerland (with offices in the UK, Germany, France, the Netherlands, South Korea, and the U.S.), MEDAIR can quickly reach the world’s most vulnerable populations.

Cross-cultural Savvy

The MEDAIR team represents nearly 60 nationalities and more than 35 languages.

Christian Leadership

Founded in 1989, Medair models Jesus Christ’s loving compassion and shares similarities with other relief organizations like World Relief and Medical Teams International.

3,6 millon people helped

Medair rose to meet the challenges of 2023, helping the most vulnerable. Discover the amazing work we have achieved together because of generous people like you. From Sudan to the Middle East to Ukraine, 2023 saw major lines crossed regarding the value of human life. A world where every life is not equally valued is not the kind of world where I want to live. It’s a place lacking hope. That’s why we fight for the value of every life, bringing life-saving assistance to the most vulnerable in hard-to-reach places.


“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”—Matthew 25:35-36 (NIV)


PO Box 4476

Wheaton, IL 60189-4476

United States

Phone: +1 866-599-1795


Doe mee

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Verhalen van over de hele wereld

Bekijk de laatste updates en verhalen uit onze projecten wereldwijd.

Crisis in Soedan: Medair blijft noodhulp geven

In het hart van de onrust in Soedan geeft Medair hoop en essentiële zaken aan ontheemde gezinnen.

Hoop in de chaos, werken aan betere medische zorg in Libanon

Medair zorgt voor meer consulten in een medische kliniek in Baalbek-Hermel, Libanon.

Veelgestelde vragen

Find answers to common questions about Medair's mission, operations, and how yVind antwoorden op vragen over de missie en het werk van Medair, en hoe je daarbij kunt helpen.ou can support the people we serve. Feel free to contact us if you have more questions!