When you feel forgotten the simplest gifts are precious.

When you give to the forsaken and forgotten, you model the love of Jesus Christ, who upholds and champions the cause of the oppressed, the hungry, the foreigner, the fatherless. Discover gifts worth giving. Support Medair with a gift.

Give warmth, life, and the hope to the world’s forsaken and forgotten.

Give the precious gifts of warmth, hope, and life to more forgotten people in hard-to-reach places like Ukraine and DR Congo, where Medair is currently serving. Partner with Medair today and give people whom the world has forgotten a gift of love they will never forget.

Some humanitarian crises grab headlines and mobilize donor support. But tragically, other equally catastrophic crises remain nearly invisible. Crises like those now occurring in the DR Congo, Chad, Sudan, and Yemen, where the need is truly cataclysmic.

Some of our long-standing programs helping the forgotten may end or be drastically cut unless giving to Medair increases. We urgently need your help! Learn more and give today.

We’re in this together

As a supporter of Medair you walk alongside communities around the world who have been made vulnerable by natural disaster, conflict, and displacement. We need your partnership to ensure that people can access medical care, have safe water and shelter, and can improve the overall health of their families.

Sharing similarities with other humanitarian agencies like the American Red Cross and World Relief, MEDAIR is a Swiss global relief organization dedicated to relieving human suffering in the world’s most difficult-to-reach and devastated places

We believe each life matters

Medair is motivated to care for those who suffer because we follow Jesus Christ, who taught us to love God and to care for those in need. Our faith inspires us to give our best in all circumstances. By faith we pray for wisdom when facing difficult decisions, and for courage to live and work in demanding and often dangerous situations.


When you support Medair you get


An incredible 92% of every dollar directly supports the delivery of humanitarian aid to survivors in crisis.


In 2022, MEDAIR improved the lives of 4.6 million people at risk around the world by employing experts in health and nutrition; shelter and infrastructure; and water, sanitation, and hygiene.


Based in Switzerland (with offices in the UK, Germany, France, the Netherlands, South Korea, and the U.S.), MEDAIR can quickly reach the world’s most vulnerable populations.

Cross-cultural Savvy

The MEDAIR team represents nearly 60 nationalities and more than 35 languages.

Christian Leadership

Founded in 1989, Medair models Jesus Christ’s loving compassion and shares similarities with other relief organizations like World Relief and Medical Teams International.

4.6 million lives improved last year

Medair rose to meet the challenges of 2022, helping the most vulnerable. Discover the amazing work we have achieved together because of generous people like you.


“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”—Matthew 25:35-36 (NIV)

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Jahresbericht 2023

Als humanitäre Organisation leistet Medair Nothilfe für vulnerabelste Menschen in entlegenen Gebieten. Geleitet von christlichen Grundwerten helfen wir bei Konflikten, Krankheiten und Krisen Notleidenden und richten auf, was zerbrochen ist. So können Menschen in Würde leben und wieder hoffen.

Sudan-Krise: Wie Medair weiterhin hilft, um das Leid zu lindern

Mitten im Sudan spendet Medair den vertriebenen Familien Hoffnung und das Nötigste.

Hoffnung inmitten der Krise: Gesundheitsdienste im Libanon stärken

Medair hilft in Baalbek-Hermel, die Kapazitäten der medizinischen Grundversorgungszentren zu erhöhen und die Zahl der monatlichen Konsultationen zu steigern.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Hier finden Sie Antworten auf gängige Fragen zu unserer Arbeit, zu unserer Organisation und wie Sie sich beteiligen können.