5 min read

Annual Report 2023

June 24, 2024
by Medair
Read our 2023 Annual Report - a valuable overview of the impact of Medair's work providing life-saving assistance in 13 countries during a year of global upheaval.

From Sudan to the Middle East to Ukraine, 2023 saw major lines crossed regarding the value of human life. A world where every life is not equally valued is not the kind of world where I want to live. It’s a place lacking hope. That’s why we fight for the value of every life, bringing life-saving assistance to the most vulnerable in hard-to-reach places.

Yet there’s an unsettling trend in the humanitarian sector, with funding not being prioritised to the people who need it most. Irrespective of race, religion, or creed, the people who are most vulnerable should receive assistance first. Their lives matter as much as anyone else’s.

Why then do we have hope? Visiting Türkiye after the devastating earthquake, I was struck that my conversations were ending with people sharing how hopeless they felt. They had lost their loved ones, homes, and livelihoods, but also their social cohesion. I was reminded of the expression: you can survive three weeks without food, three days without water, and three minutes without air (I confess I have not tried), but you cannot survive a second without hope.

So what gives us hope?

I asked our staff in Afghanistan what makes it possible for them to come to work every day under difficult circumstances. “Her courage gives me courage,” was their reply, “and my courage gives her courage, and Medair’s courage gives us courage. Together we start to have hope that things will improve.” Together, we start to have hope. Ultimately, my Christian faith gives me long-term hope because I know that I am loved, and only light and love overcome darkness and hatred in this world. It is such a privilege to join together with all of you with the courage to hope, and to be able to bring hope to the most vulnerable among us.

Read full PDF here

June 24, 2024
by Medair
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