Gestion de programmes/projets

Nous recherchons des professionnels ayant une expérience préalable dans le développement, la direction, le suivi et l'évaluation de projets et d'équipes, ainsi que dans la gestion des budgets et des délais.

Nous recherchons des professionnels qualifiés qui...

  • Être titulaire d'un diplôme de niveau supérieur (licence ou master) dans une matière pertinente et/ou avoir une expérience pratique antérieure dans le domaine de la gestion de projet
  • Avoir une expérience professionnelle antérieure à l'étranger ou une expérience équivalente, de préférence dans le secteur de la gestion de projet
  • Posséder de solides compétences en communication interpersonnelle
  • Sont des joueurs d'équipe très organisés
  • Posséder une formation et des compétences en gestion de projet et en gestion des personnesen particulier le développement, l'encadrement et le soutien du personnel

Postes en Gestion de programmes/projets

Senior Global Emergency Response Team Officer

ROC Required
The Senior Global Emergency Response Team (G-ERT) Officer is available for immediate deployment for emergency response operations to provide team leadership and in-county coordination, linking with donors and partner organisations, designing of strategy, and ensuring overall quality and execution of response in immediate phases. The Senior G-ERT Officer also serves as a main focal point in the emergency location, ensures effective communication with Global Support Office (GSO). He/she could also be deployed as Team Leader and/or Projects Coordinator in an emergency response or in a senior management role supporting emergencies in existing country programmes.

Global Emergency Response Team Officer (CVA & NFI)

ROC Required
The Global Emergency Response Team (G-ERT) CVA & NFI Officer is available for immediate deployment for emergency response operations to assess, design, set-up, and manage Medair’s cash and voucher assistance (CVA) and Non-Food items (NFI) interventions. This involves initial assessments, modality decisions, engaging with working groups and other actors, designing the project(s), setting-up and managing a project team in CVA or NFI, contributing to proposals, and effectively managing and reporting on the project. The G-ERT team member will also be available to be deployed to established country programs to support with the implementation or training of CVA and NFI programming. Part of the role will also be to support CVA and NFI preparedness for emergency responses.

Roving Project Support Manager

ROC Required
The Roving Project Support Manager is key to the efficient and effective running of operations in the area to which they are assigned. This varied and challenging role involves covering for the support functions including the Project Support Manager, Human Resources Manager, Logistics Manager and Finance Manager. More specifically, this will involve coordinating and managing the main support functions including general administration, base management, finance, human resources, logistics and security. With line management responsibility for staff involved in support roles. In the absence of the Project Coordinator, the Roving Project Support Manager also represents Medair at relevant meetings with contractors, local authorities, NGOs and other stakeholders.

Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) & Non-Food Items (NFIs) Project Manager

ROC Required
Develop, establish, and manage Medair’s cash and voucher assistance (CVA) and non-food items (NFI) programming in Ukraine. This involves initial assessments, engaging with other actors, designing the project(s), contributing to proposals, developing and documenting processes and procedures, effectively managing and reporting on the project, capturing learning, and shaping Medair’s CVA and NFI strategy within Ukraine.

Postulez à notre session d’orientation sur l’aide et la reconstruction (ROC)

Le ROC de Medair est une simulation d’une semaine qui nous donne l’occasion de faire connaissance et de décider ensemble si une carrière avec Medair est pertinente pour vous comme pour nous. Après avoir validé le ROC, vous rejoindrez un pool de candidats qualifiés et dès qu’un poste correspondant à votre profil s’ouvrira, nous ferons appel à vous. Si vous postulez directement pour un poste sur le terrain, vous devrez obligatoirement effectuer le ROC.  
Humanitarian relief worker from Medair walking in the jungle