Finances and partners

By managing our programmes wisely, your gift goes further with us.

High quality, efficient humanitarian assistance.

We don’t take your financial support for granted. When you financially support Medair, you become a valued partner in our work to alleviate suffering, promote dignity, and help restore hope around the world.

We ensure internationally that 90.5% of all funds go directly to delivering humanitarian assistance worldwide.

Every donation we receive can unlock up to 5x the value in government funding to scale our impact and reach even more people in need.

The remaining 9.5% is used to support fundraising and management.
Medair staff looking at the camera with a pen in the hand

Large or small, every gift counts.

Every donation – big or small – helps provide life-saving humanitarian assistance to people in need.

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All donations made through your local office to Medair are tax-deductible in your country of residence, potentially returning a portion of your gift to you. See our offices worldwide.

Make the biggest impact

When you give to Medair you help us preposition supplies and support so we can act fast to save lives when emergencies strike.

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You can sign up to receive occasional updates and stories about how your support is making a difference in people’s lives around the world.

The impact of your generosity

We couldn’t do it without you. Discover how your donations make a difference for people facing hardship.

Five Factors Driving Neglected Crises written by Members of the Integral Alliance

Five Factors Driving Neglected Crises written by Members of the Integral Alliance

Financial report 2023

Consolidated Financial Statements 2023

Annual Report 2023

Read our 2023 Annual Report - a valuable overview of the impact of Medair's work providing life-saving assistance in 13 countries during a year of global upheaval.

Be part of restoring hope in people’s lives

Explore meaningful ways to get involved and make a difference.

Funding Partners

Ville de Lausanne
Swiss Agency for Development and cooperation SDC
The UN Refugee Agency
UK AID from the British people
Swiss Solidarity
République et canton de Genève
Medicor foundation Liechtenstein
International Real Estate Federation
Humanitarian aid and civil protection
UN Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
German Federal Foreign Office

Accreditations & Awards

ZEWO – Switzerland
Initiative Transparente Zivilgesellschaft – Germany
CHS Certification


ASAH – France
The Cash Learning Partnership (CaLP)
Bond – United Kingdom
Interaction – Switzerland
The CORE Group
International Dual Career Network – Switzerland
The Fundraising Standards Board – The United Kingdom
Coordination SUD – France
The Global Health Cluster
Core Humanitarian Standard Alliance
The Global Logistics Cluster
NGO DRR Platform – Switzerland
The Global Shelter Cluster
European Interagency Security Forum
ProFonds – Switzerland
Humanitarian University
ImPACT Coalition – United Kingdom
The Global WASH Cluster
Deutscher Spendenrat e.V.

Institutional Funding Partners

United Nations, Intergovernmental & Governmental Partners

  • Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
  • Bureau for Populations Refugees and Migration (US)
  • Danish International Development Agency
  • Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • EU Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations
  • Faroe Island Government
  • Fürstentum Liechtenstein (LI)
  • German Federal Foreign Office
  • Global Affairs Canada
  • International Organization for Migration
  • New Zealand Government
  • Norwegian Refugee Council (DE)
  • Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
  • UN Central Emergency Response Fund
  • UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
  • UN High Commissioner for Refugees
  • UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
  • United States Agency for International Development’s Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance
  • UK Government
  • World Food Programme
  • World Health Organization (WHO)

Others Institutional and Public Partners

  • Agence de l’eau Rhône Méditerranée Corse (FR)
  • Fédération vaudoise de coopération (Fedevaco) (CH)
  • Gemeinde Riehen (CH)
  • Kanton Luzern (CH)
  • Kanton Zürich (CH)
  • Radiohjälpen (SE)
  • Swisslos-Fonds Basel-Stadt (CH)
  • Swiss Solidarity (CH)
  • Ville de Genève (CH)
  • Ville de Lancy (CH)
  • Ville de Lausanne (CH)

Non-Governmental Partners

  • All We Can (UK)
  • CEDAR Fund Hong Kong
  • Compassion International
  • Dutch Relief Alliance (DRA)
  • EO Metterdaad (NL)
  • ERIKS Development Partner
  • Interaction Switzerland (CH)
  • Mission East
  • Nazarene Compassionate Ministries International
  • PMU Sweden
  • Red een Kind (NL)
  • START fund
  • Tearfund Australia
  • Tearfund New Zealand
  • TransformAid International
  • World Vision International

Corporate Partners, Foundations & Private Trusts

  • Allan & Nesta Ferguson Charitable Trust (UK)
  • Alpha Real Estate Group (DE)
  • Armin & Jeannine Kurz Stiftung (CH)
  • Ascension Church Balham (UK)
  • Bertschi AG (CH)
  • Brownlee Charitable Trust (UK)
  • CARITATIS Stiftung (LI)
  • Chrischona Schaffhausen (CH)
  • Clariant Foundation (CH)
  • Deichmann Foundation (DE)
  • Diaconaat CGK (NL)
  • Dr. Heinz-Horst Deichmann Stiftung (DE)
  • Däster-Schild Stiftung (CH)
  • Ernst Göhner Stiftung (CH)
  • Evangelisch-reformierte Kirche des Kantons St.Gallen (CH)
  • Evangelische Landeskirche in Württemberg (DE)
  • Fagus lucida Stiftung (CH)
  • Fondation “Plein Vent” Emile, Marthe et Charlotte E. Rüphi (CH)
  • Fondation Air Liquide (FR)
  • Fondation Alfred et Eugénie Baur (CH)
  • Fondation Bâtir
  • Fondation Bernard (CH)
  • Fondation Cartier Philanthropy (CH)
  • Fondation Coromandel (CH)
  • Fondation du groupe Pictet (CH)
  • Fondation du Protestantisme (FR)
  • Fondation Ernest Matthey (CH)
  • Fondation FOR
  • Fondation Indosuez (CH)
  • Fondation Jylag (CH)
  • Fondation Marcel et Ulo Zwingmann (CH)
  • Fondation Papoose (CH)
  • Fondation Petram (CH)
  • Fondation Philanthropique Famille Sandoz (CH)
  • Fondation Pierre Demaurex (CH)
  • Fondation Tire-au-Loup (CH)
  • Galilée 2 SA (CH)
  • Gebauer Stiftung (CH)
  • Goodnews Evangelical Mission (UK)
  • GvC Winterthur (CH)
  • Iaac Dreyfus-Bernheim Stiftung (CH)
  • J&K Wonderland Foundation (CH)
  • Kissinger Family Foundation (USA)
  • KUMA Solution GmbH (CH)
  • Medicor Foundation (LI)
  • MJB Charitable Trust (UK)
  • Noratis AG (DE)
  • Otto per Mille Waldensian Church (UK)
  • Panerai
  • Randal Charitable Foundation (UK)
  • Renzo und Silvana Rezzonico-Stiftung (CH)
  • Reo Stakis Charitable Foundation (UK)
  • Rothen Medizinische Laboratorien AG (CH)
  • Rütli Stiftung (CH)
  • Souter Charitable Trust (UK)
  • srg | engineering (CH)
  • Stanley Thomas Johnson Stiftung (CH)
  • Stiftung ESPERANZA — operative Hilfe gegen Armut (CH)
  • Stiftung NAK-Humanitas (CH)
  • The Alborada Trust (UK)
  • The Antioch Foundation (US)
  • The Grant Foundation (UK)
  • The Make Trust (UK)
  • The Mustard Seed Mission (TW)
  • Volant Charitable Trust (UK)
  • Westlake Church (CH)

Gift-in-kind Partners

  • Autodesk Foundation (US)
  • International Organization for Migration
  • MANA Nutrition (US)
  • UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
  • UN High Commissioner for Refugees
  • Unit4
  • World Food Programme

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