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Medair’s impact worldwide


The path of hope

Recent clashes in the Masisi and Rusthuru territories of the DRC have displaced families to Goma. There, at the Mudja refugee camp, Medair offers free primary healthcare.

The Forgotten Crisis in Sudan

Medair remains committed to staying on the ground

Annual Report 2023

Read our 2023 Annual Report - a valuable overview of the impact of Medair's work providing life-saving assistance in 13 countries during a year of global upheaval.

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Restoring Health and Hope in Somalia

Medair provides free health services and Child-Friendly Spaces in Somalia, restoring hope and health to vulnerable communities.

Essential services in an overlooked tragedy

Bringing Hope and Aid to Sudan's Forgotten Communities

5 Must-See Movies to Expand Your Worldview

There is nothing more relaxing than settling in at the end of a day to watch a good movie. No doubt movies are a source of entertainment, but they can also educate us, deepen our empathy for others, and expand our understanding of the world around us.

4 Books Every Humanitarian Worker Should Read

I have heard many assumptions made about humanitarian aid in my 23 years of experience—some true, some completely false.

Improving access to basic hygiene and sanitation

Promoting hygiene is essential to staying healthy. In southeast Madagascar, Medair continues to support communities made vulnerable by Cyclone Freddy in February 2023.

A new life for a clinic in Syria

The refurbishment of a health centre in Syria offers a lifeline for over 30,000 people in crisis-torn western-central Syria.

The Sudan crisis: how Medair is stepping in

In the heart of Sudan's turmoil, Medair delivers hope and essentials to displaced families.

The climate crisis is changing how I do my job

As humanitarians we are bearing witness to the effects of climate change on a daily basis.

Building resilience

How Medair is providing health, nutrition, psychosocial, and sanitation support to returnees from Pakistan in Southern Afghanistan

Upcoming events & community gatherings

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