Ethics and accountability

We serve vulnerable people and how we work matters. We operate with transparency and accountability and protect the dignity of those we reach.

Our promise to you

In addition to prayer, there are other ways we can partner together to make an impact. Have your own creative idea? We’d love to help you bring it to life.
Child taking water from a pump

To the people we serve

We work together and seek and value your input and feedback. We strive to leave lasting impact and, wherever possible, personalise assistance to meet individual needs.
Medair distributing shelter kit

To our generous donors

Your financial gifts are used wisely. 92% of funds go directly to the delivery of humanitarian assistance and 8% to supporting our mission through management and fundraising.
Photo of Partners

To our faithful partners

The foundations, corporations, institutions and individuals who partner with us share our commitment to excellence. We are certified to the Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability (CHS).

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common questions about Medair's mission, operations, and how you can get involved.
How can I report misconduct or suspected fraud?

Medair takes all reports of possible misconduct or wrongdoing seriously. Anyone with information regarding possible misconduct, wrongdoing, and/or violations of the Medair Code of Ethics or policies should report them to a manager and/or fill in our confidential form. This form goes only to Medair’s Executive Office Director/General Counsel and its Internal Controls Manager. Medair reviews all reports of possible wrongdoing it receives to determine whether the report should be investigated.

What is Medair’s policy on sexual harassment?

Medair has a zero tolerance policy for any form of harassment in the workplace, treats all incidents seriously, and promptly investigates all allegations of harassment. Any person found to have harassed another may face disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from employment or stopping all forms of collaboration. All complaints of harassment will be taken seriously and treated with respect and in confidence. Medair does not tolerate any retaliatory actions for making a complaint or providing any information or assistance in addressing the complaint. Read our full Policy on Preventing Harassment.

What is Medair’s policy on environmental protection?

Providing high quality humanitarian support is the focus of Medair’s mission. We aim to do that while operating in a socially responsible manner and without harming the environment. Stewardship is an ethic that embodies responsible planning and management of resources. Through an environmental stewardship ethic, Medair is committed to proactively planning, developing, and adopting operations and programmes so they can and will adapt to the effects of climate change and increasing demands on natural resources. Medair recognises the critical need to promote healthy ecosystems, social equity, and good organisational governance. As such, our performance in relation to the societies in which we operate and our impact on the environment has become a focus of measuring overall performance and ability to operate effectively. Read our full Environmental Policy.

What measures does Medair take to protect the people it serves?

Medair operates in countries plagued by crisis and conflict. Such conditions expose vulnerable populations – in particular women and children – to risks of physical and sexual abuse, forced labour and sexual exploitation, and human trafficking. These activities represent serious human rights violations and criminal offences and Medair does not tolerate abuse and/or exploitation in any form. Medair is committed to preventing, detecting and thoroughly investigating any suspected act of abuse and/or exploitation, and where appropriate, reporting the incident to the relevant law enforcement authorities. View all our protection policies.

How does Medair ensure accountability and transparency in its operations?

We are transparent about our finances and committed to using them wisely – 92% goes directly to delivering humanitarian assistance and 8% to supporting management and fundraising efforts. We are certified to the Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability (CHS), which demonstrates our programme excellence. And we are deeply committed to upholding and being accountable to our code of ethics and protection policies.