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Medair’s impact worldwide
Rusamambu, on the road to recovery
Nestled in the mountains of North Kivu province, D.R. Congo, a village of 15,350 inhabitants called Rusamambu is coming back to life. With Medair's help, the village's health centre now offers free healthcare to local communities, enabling them to rebuild their lives after struggling with conflict and poverty.
Saving lives through community liaison officers
Kilonge village, in North-Kivu, has almost doubled in size with the arrival of people fleeing conflict. Medair is responding to the crisis by treating malnourished children.
2024 in Review
The impact of your gift
All news and updates
Rusamambu, on the road to recovery
Nestled in the mountains of North Kivu province, D.R. Congo, a village of 15,350 inhabitants called Rusamambu is coming back to life. With Medair's help, the village's health centre now offers free healthcare to local communities, enabling them to rebuild their lives after struggling with conflict and poverty.
The Urgent Need for Winter Support
For Syrian refugees living in tented homes, safeguarding against harsh weather conditions is crucial to prevent flooding or collapse.
Saving lives through community liaison officers
Kilonge village, in North-Kivu, has almost doubled in size with the arrival of people fleeing conflict. Medair is responding to the crisis by treating malnourished children.
Art for Healing: Medair and Artolution
Discover how Medair and Artolution’s art-based programmes empower trauma-affected communities to restore dignity, hope, and resilience through creative expression.
From Classrooms to Shelters
“We support and help each other. I am afraid that we will adapt to the current living conditions and that is something we do not want. We want to return home.” Marwa.
A Day in the Life of Medair’s staff in Afghanistan
A glimpse into the day of a Medair’s Communications Officer in Afghanistan.
Don’t Look Away: The story of Aisha
Feed a child. Save a life. Now that’s a gift worth giving.
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