Responding to Mpox in the DR Congo

As the mpox outbreak in Central Africa has escalated within recent weeks, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared it a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) on the 14th of August 2024. The disease, which can be fatal, starts with flu-like symptoms, fever and causes skin lesions covering the body and face of the infected person.
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Hygiene kit for simple cases, for home isolation (includes soap, washing clothes and sheets), and 20-liter water jerry can and a bucket.
for medical treatment of one severe case of MPOX (medication, hospital costs)
per day for personal protection gear for health staff to make sure the hospital does NOT become a place of transmission of the disease.
Your donation will be used for the most urgent needs.
Hygiene kit for simple cases, for home isolation (includes soap, washing clothes and sheets), and 20-liter water jerry can and a bucket.
for medical treatment of one severe case of MPOX (medication, hospital costs)
per day for personal protection gear for health staff to make sure the hospital does NOT become a place of transmission of the disease.
Your donation will be used for the most urgent needs.
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Nurse takes samples from a child with potential mpox at the mpox isolation unit run by Medair at Nyirangongo General Hospital.

In the DRC, the virus has been endemic for many years.  A recent outbreak was declared in December 2022 and since then the number of cases increased overtime:  in 2023, more than 14,600 suspected cases were notified with 654 deaths, while in 2024, the situation has worsened further. Between January and mid-July, more than 12,300 suspected cases were reported and 23 provinces were affected. The acceleration of the epidemic is worrying, especially as a genetic mutation (Clade Ib) has been identified in South Kivu province, with human-to-human transmission now uninterrupted for months.

Medair has been working in the DRC for 28 years, always striving to provide health and integrated services based on an effective understanding of the needs of those who live there. Having recently responded to a cholera outbreak in the area around Goma, Medair’s teams have been well positioned to respond immediately to the outbreak of Mpox. In fact, we were the first international NGO on the ground in the area to do so, as cases started in two of the health facilities in the IDP camps that Medair is supporting.

Every day Medair is seeing between 5 and 10 new patients.

Of the cases Medair has seen, 90% come from IDP camps, where many people live in very close proximity. 70% are children under 10.

Dr Pierre Olivier Ngadjole, Medair Health Advisor in DR Congo, has over 15 years’ experience in responding to public health emergencies in the country. This week, he was speaking to the BBC about the outbreak and Medair’s role in responding:

“Since June of this year, from that period, almost every day we have 5 or 10 new suspected cases, so this is really going up.” - Dr Pierre Olivier NgadjoleHow are these cases presenting themselves? - BBC Presenter
How are these cases presenting themselves? - BBC Presenter

“When our team finds some suspected cases, we refer them after proper triage to identify the severe cases. We organise a referral system through which we transport s Mpox cases from the IDP camps to the Munigi Referral Hospital where we have set up a treatment centre.”

What impact has this had on your team in terms of how they work and cut down transmission? Have they had to change their behaviour?

Yes, it’s been important to improve transmission prevention and control measures. We need to be very strict in terms of personal protective equipment (including masking), which must be available to all staff in health facilities.

They also need to follow strict and diligent handwashing practice. As the health facilities are overcrowded with many patients presenting with different diseases on daily basis, it is really key to train our staff on Mpox clinical case definition and triage, so to identify and isolate Mpox patients as soon as they arrive at the health facility.

We know that Mpox has been endemic in the DRC for well over a decade. What can you tell us about the level of immunity and are you giving out vaccines to IDPs?

The epidemic is spreading in areas with demographic and geographical realities that are sometimes very different. The response must be not only multisectoral but also adapted to each context. Vaccines are not yet available in the Country, but we understand that WHO started the process of Emergency Use Listing for mpox vaccines (August 2024).

Pending the arrival of vaccines, it is important to emphasize the support to other key aspects of the response such as laboratory analysis, surveillance, support for isolation and self-isolation, awareness-raising, and patient care.

Your staff have not been vaccinated?


And Dr Pierre Olivier, is the message getting through to people? Do they understand that they have to be open to recognising the symptoms, changing behaviours and coming to medical facilities like yours to get treatment early?

“Yes, this is getting through because you can see that since the start of this intervention in Goma, we have around 266 cases in our clinics now. Across all of these cases, we have 0 deaths.”

“This means that people are coming early, so I’d say the message is landing very well. The fact also that we’re coming off the back of the big ebola response, so people are open in terms of community engagement. We are well known in the community because we’re not there only for Mpox, we’ve been there for primary health care responses – so people trust Medair as an organisation.” - Dr Pierre Olivier Ngadjole

As Medair continues to work with these communities, as we have been doing for the last 35 years, we are continuing to save lives in groups of people who have already been through so much. Our teams have experience in responding to these outbreaks and are working hard to help vulnerable people, including women and children under five, and save lives in the hardest to reach places.

To support our work around the world in treating people suffering from deadly diseases like Mpox, please will you give today and join us in our mission to bring life and hope to those in need?

“Since the start of this intervention in Goma, we have seen around 281 cases in our clinics now. Across all of these cases, we have 0 deaths.” - Dr Pierre Olivier Ngadjole
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”—Matthew 25:35-36 (NIV)


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Celebrating 28 years in DRC

Medair's impact on the Congolese health system.

Interview with Marian in D.R. Congo

Congo is experiencing one of the most neglected crises of our time. The situation is Congo has been one of conflict for decades now, so people think things are at a status-quo, but since November ’22 and then again since February ’23, there has been fighting on such a significant scale that we’re now close to 1 million newly displaced people (IDPs) in the province of North Kivu, where Medair works from the bases in Goma and in Butembo.

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