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Medair’s impact worldwide


The path of hope

Recent clashes in the Masisi and Rusthuru territories of the DRC have displaced families to Goma. There, at the Mudja refugee camp, Medair offers free primary healthcare.

The Forgotten Crisis in Sudan

Medair remains committed to staying on the ground

Annual Report 2023

Read our 2023 Annual Report - a valuable overview of the impact of Medair's work providing life-saving assistance in 13 countries during a year of global upheaval.

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Unbroken Spirit: Rehabilitation for a person with specific needs.

Providing tailored assistance to people with specific needs living in substandard buildings to improve the quality of life.

Humanitarian Story – Lifesaving Response to Malnutrition

Medair’s project is a lifeline for many people in rural Southern Afghanistan who face multiple challenges due to conflict, displacement, poverty, and lack of access to basic services. Medair is committed to reaching the most vulnerable and marginalized groups with quality integrated life-saving health and nutrition services.

Wheels of Hope

Story about two friends, where both have had a physical disability since birth and they received a mobility aid device from Medair

Empowering Adolescents Through Peer Support Groups

The impact of the multiple crises in Lebanon has increased the need for mental health and psychosocial support across all population groups, including adolescents.

Housing units that are more resilient to cyclonic hazards.

In south-east Madagascar, more than 1,200 households will benefit from homes that are more resilient to cyclonic hazards.

Giving Hope

Supporting affected people with the distribution of shelter kits, cooking supplies, and personal hygiene supplies

Using my hands to speak

Medair provides sign language sessions for children with hearing disability.

Memory’s Rebirth

Medair restores hope for by rebuilding houses after the war.

Hope Amidst Chaos, Strengthening Healthcare in Crisis-stricken Lebanon

Medair’s efforts boost primary health care centers' capacity and increase consultations per month.

Upcoming events & community gatherings

Dolores Voluptatum

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Iure Voluptatem

Provident sit eum ea et unde sunt. Laudantium voluptatum beatae non dolore ullam labore iusto. Atque voluptas eos ipsam accusantium quaerat.

Nobis Qui Dolores

Mollitia reiciendis repellendus rem ad laboriosam et possimus et. Fugiat