Reporting misconduct or wrongdoing

Medair takes all reports of possible misconduct or wrongdoing seriously.  Anyone with information regarding possible misconduct, wrongdoing, violations of the Medair Code of Ethics or the referenced policies should report them to a manager and/or fill in the confidential form below. Once submitted, this form is only viewed by senior Medair legal and compliance staff. Medair reviews all reports of possible wrongdoing it receives to determine whether the report should be investigated.

A person reporting alleged misconduct should not fear any retribution and/or consequence when filing a report he/she believes is true. Retaliation of a report made in good faith is a violation of the Medair Code of Ethics, and any Medair employee found to retaliate will face significant disciplinary action.

Providing contact information below is optional. If you choose not to provide this information, the form will be submitted anonymously. While we will review all reports we receive, please note that submitting this report anonymously can significantly reduce Medair’s ability to investigate and address the alleged misconduct.
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The Medair Team is unable to answer personal questions regarding employment opportunities and/or the status of individual applications. For more information, please visit our Job Section.
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