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Medair’s impact worldwide
2024 in Review
The impact of your gift
From Classrooms to Shelters
“We support and help each other. I am afraid that we will adapt to the current living conditions and that is something we do not want. We want to return home.” Marwa.
Don’t Look Away: The story of Sami
It's not just a gift, it's a meal that saves a life!
All news and updates
Art for Healing: Medair and Artolution
Discover how Medair and Artolution’s art-based programmes empower trauma-affected communities to restore dignity, hope, and resilience through creative expression.
From Classrooms to Shelters
“We support and help each other. I am afraid that we will adapt to the current living conditions and that is something we do not want. We want to return home.” Marwa.
A Day in the Life of Medair’s staff in Afghanistan
A glimpse into the day of a Medair’s Communications Officer in Afghanistan.
Don’t Look Away: The story of Aisha
Feed a child. Save a life. Now that’s a gift worth giving.
Malnutrition in the world: Don’t look away
Hunger is as easy to understand as it is complicated to eradicate.
Finding Peace Within: MHPSS Assistance in Eastern Ukraine
Medair provides mental health and psychosocial support to conflict-affected communities in eastern Ukraine.
Lebanon: State of Emergency
“There were airstrikes near our home in the South, and I could no longer risk staying there with my family. I had to ensure their safety”, says Hassan.
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